Eber, Chaldeas

  • Original Description: Eber, Chaldeas
  • Server Description:
  • District: Chaldeas
  • District: Eber
Person Claim Value Date Age Reliability
Lomna bint Shinar Birth Eber, Chaldeas
Claim is inconsistent with death
Claim is inconsistent with spouse
2244 B.C.E.
King PELEG bint EBER, 4th of Upper Mesopotamia Birth Eber, Chaldeas
Claim is inconsistent with death
Claim is inconsistent with child
Claim is inconsistent with parent
Claim is inconsistent with spouse
2003 B.C.E.
King PELEG bint EBER, 4th of Upper Mesopotamia Death Eber, Chaldeas
Claim is inconsistent with birth
1764 B.C.E.

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