Radnor, Chester, Pennsylvania

  • Original Description: Radnor, Chester, Pennsylvania
  • Server Description:
  • District: Pennsylvania
  • District: Chester
  • District: Radnor
Person Claim Value Date Age Reliability
David Pugh Marriage Catharine Price , Radnor, Chester, Pennsylvania
All of the records for the David Pugh and Katherine Price marriage can be found in the Radnor Monthly Meeting papers on Ancestry.com. The images are viewable under Memories on the David Pugh (LRQ3-DVK) page. The first mention of the intent to marriage is dated 9th day of 4th month of 1698 (page 50 of the typed pages). The Quaker calendar prior to 1752 did not use month names and started the count in March. Therefore the first intention was 9 June 1698. The second mention of the intent to marriage is dated 14th day of 5th month of 1698 (page 51 of the typed pages). The third mention of the marriage is dated 8th day of 6th month of 1698 (page 52 of the typed pages) and is a recording of the certificate of marriage. In a separate location on Ancestry there is the description of the actual ceremony that took place 28th day of 6th month (August) 1698. The description also includes a list of witnesses.
Aug. 28, 1698
Hannah Pugh Father David Pugh's Will Radnor, Chester, Pennsylvania Oct. 4, 1737

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