Eyvind Karesson

Claim Value Date Age Reliability
ID I11188      
User ID Reference 57641DB55931447286ACA2C04195B3947E31      
User ID Reference LHJL-YBV      
Gender Male Gender    
Name Eyvind Karesson
Nickname: Lambe
  • He and brother Olvir joined cousin Thorolf Ulfsson on viking raids on his longship. Olvir, after failing in his mariage proposal to Earl Atli the Slender's daughter Solveig the Fair, gave up viking. King Harald had tried to get Thorolf's father to join him but Ulf (Kvedulf) deferred to his son Thorolf and the King was angry. Thorolf and Eyvind later sailed in the 20 seater swift warship to meet King Harald at Halogaland. Eyvind's father Kari, and brother Olvir accompanied them. Thorolf swore allegiance to the king and stayed while Kari and Eyvind returned home. Then later king Harald assembled a fleet of warships and troops and headed south from Trondheim. Thorolf, Eyvind and Olvir were at the prow of the king's ship and went to battle at Havsfjord in Rogaland with both sides suffering many casualties. Thorolf was badly wounded but eventually healed and began viking raids that angered King Harald who hunted him down at Sandnes and slew him. Olvir and Eyvind tended the wounded and buried Thorolf and then went to see the king at Trondheim. They asked to return to their farms but the king refused. The next day the king told Eyvind to go north to Halogaland and marry Thorolf's widow, Sigrid and would give him Thorolf's wealth, and had Olvir stay on as a poet. Eyvind went to Sigrid and proposed and was accepted and operated the farm and remained friends with King Harald.
Number Same As Name Reliability Path

5 Total Ancestors
Generation 1
[1.01  2]   Eyvind Karesson (835-877)
Generation 2
[1.02   ]   Kåre Vemundson (810-900)
[2.01   ]   Sigrid Skjoldolfsdatter (~858-)
Generation 3
[1.03   ]   Vemund (Edmund) Toresson (Vikingsson) (780-866)
[2.02   ]   Skjoldolf Vemundsson (812-)
Generation 4
[1.04*  ]   Viking Vifilsson (~770-782)
[2.03   ]  [3:1.03] Vemund (Edmund) Toresson (Vikingsson) (780-866)

Last Modified:

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